
Do you know that your website’s domain name significantly determines the success of your online business.
Your domain name is one of the most important part of your brand identity. So don’t make a mistake by choosing a wrong one.
Domain name not only effects your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Social Media Marketing but also creates a strong impact on the minds of your audience as this is how they remember you.
So here is everything you need to consider before registering your domain name.

  1. Select a domain name that aligns well with your brand.Remember, that your domain name will be the pillar upon which your online brand will stand.
    The first thing needed to access a website is it’s domain name. Your audience will identify you with your domain name. That is why your brand and your domain name are strongly interconnected.
    Try to keep your domain name same as your brand name. But if you already have an established offline brand but can’t find the same domain name, it’s okay to tweak a little.
    Suppose, you are creating a website for your fitness app named Fitsmart but the domain name Fitsmart.com is not available then you can modify it to Fitsmartapp.com

  2. Be Distinctive. Be Creative.If you want your brand to stand out of the crowd then you definitely need to choose a domain name that stands out of the crowd too. Don’t go for common terms . Be creative and experiment with different words. It will your first step towards establishing the exclusivity of your brand.
    For example, If I am starting a health & fitness blog with the purpose of selling my health products then I will be choosing Fitsmart.com as my domain name rather than Fitnesstips.com or FitnessGuide.com

  3. Your domain name should be easy to remember and spell.When you’re working hard to increase your audience base, you definitely want your first time users to stick to your site. The first time users have the highest bounce rate and you don’t want to give them another reason to leave your site permanently.
    Think carefully, suppose a user searched “How to lose weight” and visited your site Healthtipzntrickz.com (through search engine). He found the content very interesting. But the next time he tried to visit your site he can’t remember your domain name. Imagine, all the hard work you put in your content will go in vain.
    That is why complex domain names are a BIG NO.

  4. Hyphens and Numbers are a BIG NO!In order to keep your domain name easy to spell and remember you should avoid using hyphens and numbers as these create confusion in the minds of your hard earned audience.
    For example, Domain names like health-tips.com or health4you.com should be avoided.

  5. Try to keep it short.The fewer characters a domain have, the easier it is to remember. But it should always make sense. It means you shouldn’t compromise the meaningfulness of your domain in an attempt to make it shorter.
    For example, I cannot modify Fitsmart.com to Fitsm.com to make it shorter because that way it will just lose its meaningfulness and memorability.

  6. Try to grab a .com extensionThis is a fact that most of the people assume a site to have a .com extension. Internet users are just more accustomed to .com extension. So, In order to be memorable you should choose a .com domain.
    In case the .com option isn’t available you can go for the next best TLD that includes .net, .org.
    If your organisation is a non-profit then you can choose a .org domain.
    If your business is country-specific then your next best choice will be country code top-level domain (ccTLD) like .in, .au, .us.

  7. No need to go for Exact Match Domains (EMDs)An Exact Match Domain is a domain name which includes the targeted keyword phrase that the site is trying to rank for.
    In the past, the existence of targeted keywords in the domain name was a ranking factor for good SEO. That is why, many strategists used EMDs even at the cost of losing the domain name’s brandability.
    For example, if you want your site to rank for the keyword phrase “lose belly fat” then you would simply chose the EMD losebellyfat.com. It was a convenient strategy to rank high without focusing on the quality of content.
    In 2012, when Google noticed that many low quality websites are using this strategy to rank high, they shattered EMD as a ranking factor for SEO. This EMD update affected the ranking of many poor quality EMD sites.
    That is why there is no need for you to buy an Exact Match Domain.

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